Food Support Services

Monthly Services

There are two options of our monthly service for our clients to choose from: the choice of our self-shop ‘Marketplace’, or a ‘Pre-packaged Hamper’. Equitable quantity for both options are according to household size.

Clients are eligible for a food hamper once every 28 days.

1. Marketplace Self-shop

Marketplace allows our clients a choice of what products they take home according to their household size.  Please try to bring reusable shopping bags, else bags will be provided.  The Marketplace closes 15 minutes prior to our closing hours. Clients visiting after that time will only have Option 2: Pre-Packaged Hamper.

2. Pre-Packaged Hamper

A pre-packaged hamper usually contains: canned vegetables, soups/stews, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, crackers, jam, and canned meat, frozen meat, milk, eggs, dairy, fresh seasonal vegetables and bread/baked goods.  Items will vary depending on donations and stock level.

Our Monthly Food Service Hours:

Monday: 11 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Tuesday: No Service

Wednesday: 11 a.m. – 6:15 p.m.

Thursday: 11 a.m. – 6:15 p.m.

Friday: 11 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.


Wednesday December 25, 2024

Thursday December 26, 2024

Wednesday January 1, 2025


Visit Requirements

At EACH visit, you are required to bring:

1. Photo Identification for ALL adults in the household (driver’s license, passport, student ID)

2. Identification for ALL minors in the household (birth certificates, passports or government issued ID)

3. Proof of address (utility bill, rent receipt with address, lease agreement, government issued documents)

NOTE: This information is asked for each visit for food assistance. All data provided to us is private and confidential.

Appointment Booking System

Please come in at your appointment time, not prior to.

  • First time clients can create a profile and book an appointment.  Pre-existing clients requires a client ID number provided by the Barrie Food Bank to book.
  • If you cannot make your appointment, select a new time and date using your client login.
  • If you are unsuccessful  booking an appointment or have encountered an error in the appointment process please email: Providing your first and last name, appointment date and time of choice. Please allow for 12 hours during business hours for a response.

    Si vous avez besoin d’un rendez-vous en francais, nous pouvons vous fournir un traducteur.  Veuillex envoyer une demande par e-mail a :

    Nous organiserons la presence d’un traducteur lors de votre rendez-vous et de vos achats.

    Emergency Services

    Emergency Services are available 4 mornings per week for those without identification or are living with no current fixed address (NFA). This is an offering of non-perishable and perishable options.

    Emergency Services Hours:

    Monday, Wednesday Thursday Friday: 9:00 am – 10:45 am


    We are located at 42 Anne Street South behind Pioneer Family Pools and facing onto Army Navy Air Force Drive.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please email: