Barrie Food Bank Complaints Policy & Procedure

Barrie Food Bank is committed to providing excellent service. We recognize that from time to time there may
be inquiries, concerns, or complaints, and we believe that our clients have a right to tell us about them.
This policy and procedure applies to complaints received from interested parties about our activities, programs,
services, staff, or volunteers. Interested parties may include clients, donors, customers, suppliers, external
stakeholders, and any other parties that have dealings with Barrie Food Bank.

Guiding Principles
• It is in the interest of all parties that complaints are dealt with promptly and resolved as quickly as
• Review of complaints will be fair, impartial, and respectful to all parties.
• Complainants will be provided with updates.
• Complainants will be provided clear and understandable reasons for decisions relating to complaints.
• Complainants will be advised of their right to escalate their complaint to a more senior staff person if
they are dissatisfied with treatment or outcome.
• The history of written complaints escalated to the Executive Director will be used to assist Barrie Food
Bank in improving its services, policies, and procedures.

Complaint Receipt and Handling
A complaint may be received verbally (by phone or in person) or in writing (by mail, fax, email). The receiving
personnel will address the initial complaint, and if required, will direct the complainant to the appropriate
member of management and escalate onto the Executive Directed if needed. Escalated complaints received in
writing will be logged and the complainant will receive confirmation that the issue will be dealt with in a given
time frame and get information needed to maintain contact.

Complaint Resolution
Every effort will be made to resolve complaints received in a timely fashion.

Verbal Complaints
When receiving a verbal complaint, staff will listen and seek to fully understand the complaint and, if practical,
take the issue up immediately with the individual(s) responsible for the department where the issue originated.

Written Complaints
Escalated complaints received in writing should be acknowledged within 2 business days and the Executive
Director will attempt to resolve the matter and respond to the complainant within 10 business days.

Escalation of a Complaint
Where complaints or concerns cannot be resolved at the local level, individuals are encouraged to contact Food
Banks Canada.

Food Banks Canada can be reached for concerns or complaints. To share your feedback please contact the Food Banks Canada Customer Experience Hotline at 1.877.280.0329 or

Their policy can be found at this web address:

Communication with Complainant
Complainants will be kept informed of the status of their complaint. Every attempt should be made to resolve
escalated complaints within an additional 10 business days.

Documenting the Complaint
It is necessary to keep a record of any escalated, written complaints. Information about such complaints will be
recorded on a complaint tracking worksheet, including the issue, who handled it, what was done to resolve the
complaint, timeframe, and a description of the resolution.

Reporting Complaints to the Board of Directors
The Executive Director will prepare an annual summary of the escalated, written complaints received, including
number and type, and report their conclusions to the Board of Directors in sufficient detail for Board members
to understand the overall nature and impact of complaints received.